Wednesday, November 18, 2015

5 minute blog post

In my profession I have times where I need to sit a lot.  I sit to write out a program, I sit to study a new certification.  Outside of my profession I sit to take my kids to school, drive to work, drive to pick up my kids, go to the grocery store…and the list goes on.  In 4 years I have put 95,000 miles on my van.  That's a lot of sitting.  I keep watching the scale go up.  This is very frustrating to me because I still work out every day, but it's only once a day and apparently not long enough to compete with the food I find to put into my mouth.  So I have been paying attention to what I am doing wrong.

#1. Not saying no to damaging foods.  Sure I eat a clean diet a lot of the time, but there have been too many moments of saying yes to refined sugary products and cheesy bread things (like pizza).  I can't seem to find moderation.

#2. Choosing to sit when I know darn well I should be moving.  For instance it will be a day when I have no training clients so I choose to put on regular clothes…well, I may as well put myself in a straight jacket because it practically immobilizes me and makes me lazy.

#3 Drinking too much coffee.  I DON'T even use creamer!!!!  That's right I drink it black!!!  But it is taking away from my water consumption.  When you hear reports about how we don't need as much water as they say…don't believe it, especially if you struggle to control your weight.

So I think I know what I need to do here.  

Anyone else struggle with these same things?

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