Saturday, October 26, 2013

Instructions on accessing your NASM practice exam

Hello Fellow Classmates!  Some of you are concerned that you may not have received, or are unaware that you have received the practice exam through NASM.  This is a little easier than the exam, but gives you a better idea of how questions will be asked.  I think there were two questions from this exam on the actual exam, but do not take it more than twice (at least that is the recommendation from the test taking blogs I have read).

1. Sign into your account 2. Click on NASM E courses (access your course materials)

  • 1. Sign into your account 2. Click on NASM E courses (access your course mater3.  

    3. All the way to the left click on NASM CPT 4 Academic exam

  • 4. In the white box click on CPT 4 practice exam.

This blog post gives a pretty good rundown on what areas will be 
touched on the actual exam.
Also if you will notice in the above photo, there are three different tabs in
 the white section.  Explore EVERYTHING.  NASM has some 
surprisingly helpful tools for passing!  
Good Luck and God Bless!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today is the day I have been preparing for

When I first decided I wanted to be a personal trainer I had no idea how to get into the industry.  Through a few clicks of my mouse I had it narrowed down to two ways.  With thoughtful prayer and assistance from the VA, I was on my way to an Occupational Associates Degree in Advanced Health and Fitness from Bryan University.  I did not think it would be easy, but I have learned some things that I never had a forethought about.

For the past 13 months I have been knee deep in school life; all for the hope of knowledge to become a personal trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine, a gold standard in fitness certification.  Known as one of the more difficult exams to pass I feel that I can go in with confidence.  If I do not pass this exam today I will cry like a baby.  The reason I will cry is because with all the information I have been engraining into my head through countless hours of studying, losing friends, and failing in my mom/wife obligations, it will be all for naught.  I sincerely do not expect to fail, i'm just saying.

So today is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am still a little over a month from graduation, but if I pass today then I will be a Certified Personal Trainer!  NO if's and's, or but's about it!!!

The learning doesn't stop there.  I will continue to aim for specialty certifications through NASM and other fitness associations.  The first two on my list are Youth Exercise Specialist, and Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Here I go, in T-2 point 5 hours I will be in the exam room!

I would sincerely appreciate any prayers <3