Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sugar Reform: An unexpected culprit to overcome.

This experience is more than I bargained for.  Last year I did a 30 day quit sugar challenge, but I did not know about all of the resources available to me.  I lasted 21 days, then shattered like Humpty Dumpty made of glass.  I promised I was never going to do that again because going back to sugar was worse than just eating it every once and a while.  I apologize for not mentioning this, and I apologize for making it sound like I ate sugar all day everyday before beginning this journey.

1. I ate like a normal person not paying attention to all of the hidden sugar.
2. If I ate a cookie or any other sugary snack, that set the tone for the rest of the day.
3. I could go a day or two without, but once I would let myself have it back, it was a binge session.
4. My worst moment was when I added sugar to the top of Cocoa Pebbles cereal.
5. Dark rainy dreary days really aggravate my addiction.

So that is the long and short of how I behave with it.  Do any of you relate to these patterns?

Here was my weekend after deciding last week to break my addiction:
Friday night I was scheduled to take my daughter and her friend to the local bowling/arcade center.  I was craving pasta, a huge beautiful steaming plate of…okay, I need to stop.  Anyhow, I convinced the girls to eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory then venture over to bowling as the two establishments were in close proximity.  I had my pasta and BREAD.  While I was eating, or shortly after, the words of Dr. Fuhrman were ringing in my head "Your body processes white flour the same way it processes refined sugar, that is one reason whole grains are better." (among many other reasons).  That is more of a paraphrase than a quote, but you get the idea.  All of a sudden it made sense!  Even though I was happy with the sugar replacements, i.e.. fruit, banana ice cream, berry explosion muffins…my body was craving the refined stuff.  Wow, this is bigger than I thought.  That was the night I came home and made the banana ice cream with raspberries, almond milk, and almond extract.  It wasn't a lot of calories and it hit the spot!

Yesterday (Saturday) I was having an irritable day and I was micromanaging every move my husband made.  I am sorry.  That's it, I am just sorry.  This is like having PMS when I am supposed to be enjoying two weeks of being a sane person.  I just have to remind myself that this is only temporary and I will be a WHOLE lot better off in the long run.  In my crazy cravings I have bumped up my grain intake…don't judge me, it's only to get me through the muck. One other thing is that I love cold cereal.  I have made the switch to Grape Nuts, and the other day all the grocery store had was Grape Nut flakes. Here is a concoction I came up with last night.

1. Half a bowl of Grape Nut Flakes, or whatever cold cereal you want (or oatmeal if you are being good)
2. A handful of blueberries
3. A small palm of sunflower seeds
4. A sprinkling of currents
5. 4 almonds broken up

I know this is not a "Recipe" but it is an idea.  It is a good way to have a treat that cures the crunchy sugary craving.  One more thing I think I should mention.  When it comes to packaged food such as cold cereal, I aim for 5 grams or less of sugar per serving.

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